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Graduate Visa for the UK

Published on: December 2, 2022
Reading time: 3 min
Graduate Visa for the UK

Also known as the postgraduate visa, the graduate visa for the UK grants permission to individuals who have successfully completed their studies in the UK to remain in the country for up to two additional years. If you hold a PhD, you may stay for up to three years #1.

This visa cannot be extended, but you may apply for another visa, such as the skilled worker visa. Additionally, you can apply for a visa for your partner and children. For dependent family applications, we recommend reading our article on the subject.

Requirements #1 for the Graduate Visa for the UK:

For calculating your study time in the UK, it starts from when your educational institution required your presence in the country, including lectures, tutorials, mandatory meetings with your tutor, etc. So, if you went back to your home country after a year of study for a vacation, that year still counts as study time.

The university, college, or education provider must be an authorized sponsor and have an intact “track record of compliance.” You can check the compliance record of each institution at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/register-of-licensed-sponsors-students.

Eligible Courses for the Graduate Visa in the UK:

To apply for this visa, you must typically have completed a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in the UK. However, you may also apply if you completed:

You may also apply for this visa if the course you completed is eligible for a job regulated by UK law or public authorities. Your educational institution can tell you if the course qualifies.

Process #3:

Documentation #5:



#1 https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa
#2 https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa/course-you-studied
#3 https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa/apply
#4 https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa/how-much-it-costs

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